Perform your California Smog Test at A Star Smog
Official CA Smog Test Only
- All Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, RV, Motor Home, Diesel, High Performance, and Out of State) including STAR Certified
- Test Only Station – we want you to pass!
- Check engine light and give advice on passing.
- Friendly, competent technicians
- Quick and easy – really!

Get it done the first time
Our technicians are selected because of their background in the smog check industry and are capable of answering all of your questions. We’re a CA Certified station and we can smog all your vehicles.
Smogs for renewal or Transfer of Title
The State of California requires smog checks every two years for vehicles seven model years or older. Smog checks are also required for vehicle transfer titles, except for vehicles less than four model years old. Note that the state will collect a smog transfer fee will be collected from the new owner .
Exception to Smog Checks for Title Transfers
If a vehicle is less than five model years old, no smog check is required on transfer. Furthermore, some title transfers within a family The four year or less transfer rule does not apply to diesel engines.
When a vehicle is more than four model years old, a seller must provide evidence of a current smog certification except when one of the following occurs:
- Smog Tests for Vehicle Transfers within the Family
The transfer occurs between a spouse, domestic partner, sibling, child, parent, grandparent, or grandchild. - If you have already completed a Recent Smog Check
A new smog check isn’t required if biennial smog certification was submitted to DMV within 90 days prior to the vehicle transfer date (a vehicle inspection report may be required for proof of certification).
Are All Vehicles Required to Have Smog Checks?
All cars, trucks, and other vehicles need smog tests, except the following:
- Motorcycles, scooters, or other two wheeled vehicles.
- Pure electric Cars. Hybrids are still required to have smog checks.
- Gasoline cars Year 1975 or older
- Diesel Cars 1997 or older or Gross Vehicle Weight rating (GVWR) of more than 14,000 lbs
- Natural Gas (NGV) with Gross Vehicle Weight rating (GVWR) of more than 14,000 lbs